Sunday, 27 March 2016

Mark Hearld

In my research I have come across the artist Mark Hearld and am completely in love with his work.

I notice that in this print Geese and Fish he uses a second colour which controls the strong black and white contrast and softens the image. It is still not a colour print, but somewhere in between the two. This is a multiple block print, the lines are quite independant of each other.
St Jude's Prints have a page on Mark Hearld which contains this video about his process:

He doesn't talk about linocut at all but does talk about collage and says:
'It gave me the capacity to compose in a really strong way' and
'Collage taught me how to print because its about layering'

His collage work is absolutely stunning, a good selection of them can be seen here including these two examples:

 Autumn Partridges. Collage. image size 77 x 56cm.

Frutti Di Mare. Collage. image size 101 x 81cm

I am inspired to try some collage for my next design.

He also says in the video that the lithographic process unifies a design, I wonder if the same could be said for lino through the flat colour and relatively simple marks.

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