Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Reflection on Feedback from Assignment 4

My feedback from this assignment was disappointing, but not surprising. I got off track with my sketch book experiments and really lost focus. The biggest weakness my tutor found was in the composition of my final design, and how much of my preparatory work was spent exploring similar 'floating objects' without consideration of the background or enough variety of scale and shapes.

In this assignment I tried to explore a different working approach. previously I have been extremely outcome oriented, so this time I tried not to think about the outcome at all, following drawing exercises to work in my sketchbook in a range of media. This was not successful because I had no focus. I went to the complete other extreme producing a range of unconnected drawings and then not developing ideas to create my final composition. This may have been more successful if I had been more disciplined about time, I could have set myself 2 weeks for the drawing activities, and then more time to develop them. I didn't really think this aspect of it through.

However, this has been a useful learning experience. From this assignment I have learnt that it is OK to have ideas from the beginning, and even some idea what the outcome will be. I have learnt a range of sketch book skills for exploring a subject in new ways, I now need to apply these to more challenging subjects that I can develop more. I know I need to work on composition much more. The aspects of this assignment that were unsuccessful have given me renewed faith in my previous working methods, so now as I approach the end of the course I hope in the next assignment I can show I'm finally getting the hang of this sketchbook thing.

My tutor gave me positive feedback about a range of my experimental prints and encouraged me to develop these textures more. I will be repeating this assignment so will start by developing these. I will also have the opportunity to purchase better supplies over Christmas, as it has been challenging getting all the right materials for this technique in my remote location.

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